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Shop smart: More ways you can save on shopping

By Camille Santiago Published Jan 09, 2024 6:20 pm

You’re shopping for groceries and then you see the running balance on the cashier’s screen, so you decide to remove some items from your cart. We’ve all been there. With the rising cost of living, finding ways to stretch your budget is more important than ever, and that means more than just waiting for discounts and sales. 

While double-digit sales and end-of-season sales come every now and then, there are other ways of managing your cash flow, like becoming a member of a warehouse store to save on bulk purchases or maximizing your credit cards. 

Whether you're shopping for a new wardrobe, a new set of electronics, or planning your next vacation, these tips below will help you discover ways to manage your money, including knowing how to use your credit card to your advantage. 

Sign up to be a member 

If you've ever shopped online, then you've probably seen a pop-up window asking you to sign up for a membership discount. Don’t skip it, we say go for it! Not only will you enjoy discounts, but you’ll be among the first to know about future promotions. 

Referral codes are your best friend 

Similar to the previous tip, sharing your referral codes can save you bucks. Many online retailers offer referral programs that allow customers to earn credits or other rewards for referring their friends and family. In the same way, ask other friends if they have referral codes to other sites, too, so both of you can benefit from it! 

Buy in bulk 

Another way to save money is to purchase items you frequently use in bulk. Doing so will save you time and gas instead of making several trips to the store. Want to save even more? Ask your friends or relatives if they want to split the bulk items with you. 

Take advantage of exclusive bank promos 

Exclusive bank sales may offer significant discounts on popular brands, saving you money on purchases. 

For instance, BDO has a ton of exclusive tie-ups with restaurants, offering as much as 50% off on your total bill or free dishes. Some offers include an extra percentage off on top of the already discounted price or can come as a surprise cashback! Usually, you have to spend a minimum amount with your qualified credit card to avail of these promos. 

For travel junkies, watch out for year-round travel promos. BDO offers exclusive rates for flights from select airline partners during a period. 

Don’t be shy, ask about installment plans 

Did you make several big purchases? Check the merchant for installment offers. Or better yet, you can buy your holiday gifts with your BDO Credit Card and take advantage of the Buy Now, Pay Next Year promo. Just make sure to pay on time to avoid late fees and interest charges! 

Use your card to get cashback 

If these already excite you, then wait till you hear this: BDO regularly runs rebates and cashback promos for different spend categories. There's a rebate for your online purchases, when you use your card abroad, or for your essentials like grocery and gas, etc. etc. You can even get a cashback for simply using your card anywhere, anytime. Getting BDO's Cashback Alert adds to the excitement because you know you're getting some money back. 

If you don't have a BDO Credit Card yet, now's the time to get one and get up to P10,000 cashback! Applying is easy, visit the BDO website or any BDO branch today. 


Editor's note: BrandedUp is designed to provide you with insightful, inspiring, and educational content created by The Philippine STAR in collaboration with brands like BDO.